


Monday 20.05.2024

MGW League 24.5

A: In 10’ find heavy complex:

2x Clean

1x Hang clean


Score = Load!

Only load is a League score 

Straight into:

B: AMRAP 15’:

5x STOH @70% of the test from A part

10x Burpee over the bar lateral

15x Pull ups

C: Cool down/stretch

1-3 sets:

30”/side Leg on bench pigeon pose stretch https://youtu.be/kZn38cqsrzg?si=6C_xMLX1Vree-GlH

30” Elbows on box overhead mobility stretch https://youtu.be/RIP4SgtN25Y?si=RWo384cHjUSlQv5Q

Tuesday 21.05.2024

A: Strength

Every 3’x5 sets perform:

6x Deadlift

4x50% max reps + 1x max reps Ring dips*

-Only on rings work. If it’s too difficult perform toe support version. 

B: Conditioning

3 RFT:

50m (10x5m) MB Shuttle run

30x WBS

Tc: 9’

C: Cool down/stretch:

1-3 sets

3x10”/side Samson stretch + runners stretch

30-60” dead hang on the bar

Wednesday 22.05.2024

A: Strength:

Every 3’x5 sets perform:

6x Strict press 

4x50% max reps + 1x max reps Strict Pull ups*

*Only overhand grip. If it’s too difficult perform toe support pull ups.

B: Conditioning

EMOM 9’:

1’ 2x Rope climb

2’ 12/15 cal row

3’ Max reps burpee to bar 

*Total number of burpee is score of a workout. To perform a workout in “Rx” you must finish destined number of reps in every minute.

C: Cool down/stretch

1-3 sets:

10+10” Weighted pancake stretch

10x2” Lying shoulder prone Y-raises

Thursday 23.05.2024

A: CrossFit Semifinals 24.2

5 rounds for time:

100 double-unders
20 toes-to-bars
10 front squats @70/100 kg

Tc: 22’

B: Cool down/stretch:

1-3 sets

30-45” Box KB weighted Jefferson hang

30”/side Prone chest stretch https://youtu.be/tatrv67rou8?si=rDVCEbo-e11XilrY

Friday 24.05.2024

Heavy day

A: Every 90”x12 rounds:

1x Power snatch

1x Hang power snatch

1x Snatch balance

B: Prehab Weightlifting

3 sets of:

12-15x Front to OH DBs/Plates raises

10-15x Barbell goodmorning

20-40” Chinese plank hold

Rest up to 1’ B/S

C: Cool down/stretch

5-15’ slow cardio machine work

Accumulate 90”/side in Samson stretch

Saturday 25.05.2024


“1/2 modified Murph”

800m Run (2 MGW laps run)

5 RFT:

10x Pull ups

20x Push ups

30x Air squat

800 m run (2 MGW laps run)

Tc: 32’ 


5 rounds for time:
8 handstand push-ups
8 alternating front rack lunges @34/52 kg
8 push presses
400-m run (1 MGW lap run)

Tc: 20’

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