
Kettlebells 2021-02-08

Tuesday 7.05.2024

A: Strength:

4 sets of:


2x Dead snatch

4x Snatch

8x Push jerk

12m OH carry

-One set is complex done by both arms.

-Look for heavy weight for complex done unbroken. First set should be already demanding.

-Go every 3’30”

B: Conditioning


8x (KB weighted) Single-leg squats @10/16 kg

16x OH Swing @10/16 kg

24m KB shuttle run @10/16 kg

Saturday 11.05.2024

A: Strength

Every 3’x5 sets:

10/side KB Half-Kneeling press

10-15x Swing to squat to walking swing

B: Conditioning

3 RFT:

18x KB Snatch

9x Box jump overs

18x T2B

9x Box jump overs

Tc: 9’

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