
ACC WORK2021-02-09

Praca dodatkowa do samodzielnego wykonania po treningu

Accessory work to do by yourself after the workout

Główny cel tego cyklu to praca nad siłą w podciąganiu na drążku. Część akcesoryjna zawiera zadanie główne, prehab pod konkretne stawy, pracę nad corem i nad rozciąganiem. Jeśli brakuje Ci czasu na wykonanie wszystkiego wybierz chociaż jedną część. Powodzenia!

Our main goal in this cycle is to build the strength towards strict pull ups. The accesory work contains main task, prehab of specific joints, core work and a stretching part. If you're lacking time to do a whole task, try to pick at least one part and perform it. Good luck!

4-5 sets:
5x (Weighted/Toe support) strict chin ups
12-20x Floor glute bridge hold see saw press
10-15x Wall support biceps curl

2-4 sets of 30" hold(/side)
German hang
Samson stretch

4-5 sets:
6-10/side Shrimp squat
10-15/side sidelying external rotations
10-20x Hollow v-ups/1-leg v-ups
20x Arch rocks
2-4 sets of 30" hold(/side)
Floor lying supine scorpion stretch
Pigeon pose

4-5 sets:
6-10x Barbell incline bench press
2-8/side rope pull ups/negatives
10-15x JM press
2-4 sets of 30" hold(/side)
On roller t-spine stretch
Straddle KB on boxes Jefferson curl 

4-5 sets:
10-15x Bench (barbell back rack) straddle goodmornings
10-15x Cuban press (2xDB/plates/band)
10-15x2" hold/side Band. standing palloff press 
2-4 sets of 30" hold(/side)
Hanging side cobra stretch
(Elevated) pancake stretch

4-5 sets:
8-12/side 1-leg DL DB/KB bent over row
8-12x Barbell underhand grip bench press
16-24x BB alt. biceps curl
2-4 sets of 30" hold(/side)
Forearms Lacrosse ball roller (or stretch in 3 positions)
Shin & calfs roller (or stretch)

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