


Monday 29.04.2024

MGW League 24.2

3 RFT:

30x Thruster @20/30 kg

30x 1xKB Box step over @50/60 cm; 12/20 kg

30x KB snatch @12/20 kg

Tc: 15’

Tuesday 30.04.2024

AMRAP 24 with a partner:
24 Russian KB swings (24/32 kg)
12 handstand push-ups
200-m (20x10m) farmers carry
– Share work load as desired.
– Use two KBs for the farmers carry; go out together and trade as needed. 

Wednesday 1.05.2024

Holiday! Different schedule. Sign up for classes.

Team WOD:

In team of 2 perform:

4k run

Athlete A:


Athlete B:

AMRAPs for as long as partner runs

Every time perform different AMRAP:


10x Deadlift @70/100 kg

30x Lateral jump over the bar


10x Back squats @45/65 kg

30x SU


10x Snatch @25/40 kg

30x DU


30x Back rack reverse lunge @15/20 kg

10x Push ups


10x BB strict press @15/20 kg

10x Burpee over the bar

Score A: Time of run

Score B: Total number of rounds

-Switch after each 1 MGW lap run

Tc: 45’

Thursday 2.05.2024

Heavy day!

A: EMOM 20:
1 power clean
1 hang power clean
– Build in load, prioritizing mechanics.

B: Prehab Weightlifting

3 sets of:

12-15x Side to OH DBs/Plates raises

10-15x GHD/Box assisted hip extensions

10-15x 1xKB Turkish sit ups

Rest up to 1’ B/S

C: Cool down/stretch

5-15’ slow cardio machine work

Accumulate 90”/side in Samson stretch

Friday 3.05.2024

Holiday! Different schedule. Sign up for classes.

In team of 2:

In 45’ running clock:


AMRAP 12’ of:
40 toes-to-bars
12 wall walks
– One athlete works at a time. Athletes may alternate as they see fit.

Goal: above 2 rounds

12-14’ Rest


EMOM 12’

1’ 12-20x Box jump @I Go, U Go

2’ Max reps 1x DB Devil press Athlete A

3’ Max reps 1x DB Devil press Athlete B

26-28’ Rest 



40x Pull ups

40m (8x5m) DB walking lunges

40m (8x5m) Shuttle run

*Split anyhow

40-42’ Rest



Assisted Handstand walk 

Saturday 4.05.2024

Hero WOD

“Lumberjack 20”

For Time

20 Deadlifts @85/125 kg

400 meter Run

20 Kettlebell Swings @16/24 kg

400 meter Run

20 Overhead Squats @35/52,5

400 meter Run

20 Burpees

400 meter Run

20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

400 meter Run

20 Box Jumps @50/60 cm

400 meter Run

20 Dumbbell Squat Cleans @15/22,5 kg

400 meter Run

Tc: 35’ 


For time with a partner:

5k Row

Athlete A: 


Athlete B: 

1 round of: 

40m Shuttle run

30x KB Swing

20x Jumping pull ups

10x Push ups

*Switch on the Row erg every round

Tc: 24’ 

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